Sunday, December 19, 2010

Peace Peace

You start walking down the street and you notice your two brothers fighting maliciously. One bother is small and weak, the other big and strong. You decide to step in and tell the big brother to stop before the other gets killed but he does not listen and starts to go after your brother again. So what do you decided to? Let him get beat up and killed or do you use your God given ability to defend your peaceful younger brother by beating back the bigger one until he relents?

This may be a tricky scenario but I feel like many Christians and “peace” activist try to say all violence is bad and this is an issue I would like to address. As I am sitting here in South Korea writing this I cannot help but to think about the fact that if America hand not stepped into the fight between North and South Korea (the fight being the Korean war in 1950) that South Korea would have undoubtedly lost as we could barely help them win after over 150,000 soldiers lost their lives to win this country back. Had we not had so many soldiers committed to defending their younger helpless brothers in South Korea and around the world then there would be no North and South Korea, but rather just one Korean ruled by a communist dictator. If we didn’t step in every person I know here today would have been a slave or dead due to the terrible situation we see going on in North Korea we see today.

Should we go picking fights with all our brothers around the world who are big, angry and evil? No, of course not. But what we cannot do is act like there are not fights that it is not our duty to take part in. We didn’t go fight in Vietnam, the Korean War, or either of the World Wars to gain land or power. We took part in these fights so that we could defend people who believe everyone person is deserving of freedom and justice. If we see one of our brothers standing up for what is just and right but has not the power to defend himself from stronger appoints who would like to take those freedoms and we choose not to step in and defend that which is good from the evil, then I am afraid we are far worse then that evil if we say “Peace Peace” when there is no peace.

I do not believe violence is the answer nor will I ever be the one to throw the first pinch. Though what I will not allow is anyone nation that stands for freedom and justice to be beat back into submission by the name of fear and injustice when I have the abili

ty t do something about it. I am not going to beat an evil person to death for I think that murder is wrong but I will certainly beat him until he backs off and knows not to come back. Likewise I say we protect out fellow nations who stand for the intrinsic human rights of freedom and justice when the bullies of the world like North Korea and other nations try to hurt them. There cannot be peace on earth until Jesus comes back so let us stop pretending that evil does not exist, lets stop pretending every person had good intentions and most importantly let us stop pretending that submission to the worlds evil which some call “being peaceful” will bring amity when it will only bring about hostility and oppression from unrelenting power hungry hearts.

Some might think that the gun may have been a bad invention but I am here to tell you nothing in and of itself is bad. When I hold a ballpoint pen in my hand I can use it to write stories of love or the gospels. You take that same pen and give it to another any they could use it to stab somebody to death. While this my seem a bit extreme it is very realist.

Give me a gun and I will hunt and gather food for the winter or defend my family from wild beasts. Again, give the gun to the same evil man and you will see another high school shooting, or a hold up at a convenience store. Let us not pretend the gun was never invented and that we do not know how to use it. There is up and down, black and white, good and evil. Opposites exist by nature and peace is no exception. You cannot close your eyes and hope when you open them that the lager brother will stop hurting your little brother. So let us use the gun in order to defend justice because the reality is evil wont stop.

Tuesday there could be another War starting in Korea. Please make sure you think about the people who live in South Korea who just want the chance to live with their God given rights before you say America should not get involved. Do not be one to get caught saying “Peace Peace” when there is no peace.


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