Friday, January 14, 2011


It is not a promise that God is seeking. God doesn't want our promises to Him but rather He would just like us to except the promises that He has already granted us to live in. When we make vows to god we are not proving anything to Him but rather we are trying to prove something to ourselves. Just living in His freedom and love is His requirement. When we make promises to do or not do something we only set ourselves up to fail Him in our own eyes because anything that comes from us (even if it is rooted in good intentions) will only work for evil because the only true and real things in this world come from Him and have already been completed in Jesus' death and resurrection. This means the only thing we have left to do is accept what he has done and live in that reality. We can't make sacrifices as inperfect humans for a perfect God because He cannot except that which is not clean. So, He sent His son who was perfect to give His life and to except the punishment we deserved so that we could accept what He deserved and so that we may be holy like He who dwells in us.

Without Jesus we have nothing to offer and because of Jesus we have nothing to offer but we have only the choice to except the work that has been done by him so that we may truly live. Praise Jesus!
